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Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Thanks everyone for your comments and questions!  Here's my answers:

-The Constitution Test will be worth around 50 points.  It will be March, 17th...St. Patricks Day!
-The brain comment was pretty funny, but no your brains can handle it.  The test should be a challenge, that's my job.  Study and you'll do great.
-I'm glad people like basketball.  I'm having fun with it too.  Just remember, basketball more than any other sport, can be imporved by practing individually.  So grab a ball and practice dribbling head up with left and right hands. 
-A new poll is up, as requested.
-Glad you like the video, it's kind of ridiculous but pretty funny.
-I'm happy people are enjoying the site
-Yes, we will celebrate with on March 25th if we get 1700 hits.  We'll probably play trivia or something and people can bring snacks and such.


  1. mr.vock , how many questions r in the Constitution test and how much time do we have to do it , plzz answet , (: :P

  2. There will be 54 questions and you will have the entire period to finish. Make sure you come in ready to go.

  3. what if we dont finish , do we come in at lunch , or what :/

  4. so mr.vock were are going to have only like regualar period so we are going to have 40 min to finish 54 question:)

  5. haha im ready for the test,i played alot of qames & i won lol
    i really like this website mr.vock
    && we have more that 1700 views lol

  6. ThE TeSt WaS SuPeR EaSy:)

  7. if we dont pass it can we retake it mr vock

  8. i have not done
    the test
    yet when could
    i take it :)

  9. hi mr vock have agreat easter hahaha u r humble


Feel free to comment, compliment, or ask questions but please remember to keep it school appropiate!