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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Emancipation Proclamation

Today your assignment is to find out as much as you can about the Emancipation Proclamation.  Follow the directions and complete all parts to get full credit.

1.  Use the links below to gather information about the Emancipation Proclamation.  Take notes (no sentences and in your own words) answering these questions.

A.  What was the Emancipation Proclamation?
B.  Who gave the proclamation?
C.  Who did it free?
D.  Who did it NOT free?
E.  What's the connection between Antietam and the proclamation?
F.  What words does the president use often (not including words such as "the" or "and" make sure to read the actual Proclamation)?
G.  Why do you think he uses these words?
H.  What were some of the reasons for giving the speech (don't just  say to free the slaves there's much more than that)?
I.  What was the reaction of people in America?
J.  What other information is important to know about the Emancipation Proclamation?

2.  Take your notes and write at least a half page answering the question:  What was the Emancipation Proclamation?  Make sure you have notes AND a paragraph. 

This is due tomorrow.

3.  If you finish look at the link below for extra credit.  Find pictures of prisoners, civilians, railroads etc.
Describe the pictures you saw.  What do they teach us about the Civil War?
Why are photographs valuable in learning about history?
What are some of the problems with relying on photographs?
Write down your answers.  The assignment must be at least half a page and reference numerous pictures of varying categories.

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